2021.10-2022.10留学基金委公派留学University of Cadiz生态学访问学者
1.Song, W., R. Ochoa-Hueso, H. Cui, X. Yang, M. Fan, and W. Sun. 2023. Effects of nitrogen addition on ecosystem-level carbon fluxes and water use efficiency are more dependent on early growing season precipitation than on annual precipitation in a semi-arid meadow steppe. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 330:109316. (中科院农林科学一区Top期刊; IF: 6.42)
2.Song, W., R. Ochoa-Hueso, F. Li, H. Cui, S. Zhong, X. Yang, T. Zhao, and W. Sun. 2022. Mowing enhances the positive effects of nitrogen addition on ecosystem carbon fluxes and water use efficiency in a semi-arid meadow steppe. Journal of Environmental Management 320:115889. (中科院环境科学与生态学一区Top期刊; IF: 8.91)
3.Song, W., M. E. Loik, H. Cui, M. Fan, and W. Sun. 2022. Effect of nitrogen addition on leaf photosynthesis and water use efficiency of the dominant speciesLeymus chinensis(Trin.) Tzvelev in a semi-arid meadow steppe. Plant Growth Regulation 98:91-102. (IF: 3.24)
1.Yang, X.,Song, W., Yang, X., Yang, T., Bao, W., Wang, C., Li, J., Zhong, S., Jiang, Q., Li, L.J., Sun, W., 2023. Microbial network structure, not plant and microbial community diversity, regulates multifunctionality under increased precipitation in a cold steppe. Frontiers in Microbiology 14. 1349747. (IF: 5.2)
2.Ren, J., Wang, C., Wang, Q.,Song, W., Sun, W., 2023. Nitrogen addition regulates the effects of variation in precipitation patterns on plant biomass formation and allocation in aLeymus chinensisgrassland of northeast China. Frontiers in Plant Science 14. 1323766. (IF: 6.63)
3.Xu, W., M. Zhao, R. Ren, W.Song, W.Gao, H. A. L. Henry, and W. Sun. 2022. Grazing amplifies the stimulating effects of N addition on N2O emissions in a temperate meadow steppe. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 339:108143. (IF: 6.58)
4.Chai, H., J. Li, R. Ochoa-Hueso, X. Yang, J. Li, B. Meng,W. Song, X. Zhong, J. Ma, and W. Sun. 2022. Different drivers of soil C accumulation in aggregates in response to altered precipitation in a semiarid grassland. Science of the Total Environment 830:154760. (IF: 10.75)
5.Cui, H., M. Fan, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, W. Xu, Y. Li,W. Song, J. Y. Ma, and W. Sun. 2022. Impacts of mowing and N addition on soil organic phosphorus mineralization rates in a semi-natural grassland in Northeast China. Plant and Soil 482:7-23. (IF: 4.99)
6.Cui, H., W. Sun, M. Delgado‐Baquerizo,W. Song, J. Y. Ma, K. Wang, and X. Ling. 2021. Cascading effects of N fertilization activate biologically driven mechanisms promoting P availability in a semi‐arid grassland ecosystem. Functional Ecology 35:1001-1011. ( IF: 6.28)
7.Cui, H., W. Sun, M. Delgado-Baquerizo,W. Song, J.-Y. Ma, K. Wang, and X. Ling. 2020. The effects of mowing and multi-level N fertilization on soil bacterial and fungal communities in a semiarid grassland are year-dependent. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 151:108040. (IF: 8.55)
8.Cui, H., W. Sun, M. Delgado-Baquerizo,W. Song, J.-Y. Ma, K. Wang, and X. Ling. 2020.Phosphorus addition regulates the responses of soil multifunctionality to nitrogen over-fertilization in a temperate grassland. Plant and Soil 473:73-87. (IF: 4.99)
9.Shi, B., X. Ling, H. Cui,W. Song, Y. Gao, and W. Sun. 2020. Response of nutrient resorption of Leymus chinensis to nitrogen and phosphorus addition in a meadow steppe of northeast China. Plant Biology 22:1123-1132. ( IF: 3.88)
10.Li, J., B. Meng, H. Chai, X. Yang,W. Song, S. Li, A. Lu, T. Zhang, and W. Sun. 2019. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alleviate drought stress in C3(Leymus chinensis) and C4(Hemarthria altissima) grasses via altering antioxidant enzyme activities and photosynthesis. Frontiers in plant science 10:499. (IF: 6.63)
11.凌小丽,史宝库,崔海莹,宋文政,孙伟.氮磷添加对松嫩草地土壤团聚体结构及其碳含量的影响[J]中国草地学报, 2021, 43 (2): 54-63.
12.李斐,孙明伟,钟尚志,宋文政,钟晓月,孙伟.不同光合类型牧草对干旱复水的光合生理响应及生长适应策略[J]植物生态学报, 2022, 46 (1): 74-87.